066 – How do you Pick your Stocks?

In this episode we discuss how we find stocks and some of the things we consider when we are deciding if it is a stock we want to own. We drink some Belgian tripes graciously bought for us by Max…


065 – Jolie Viguers – Financial Education

In this episode we discuss all the ways Jolie is involved providing financial education within her community. We drink some xxxxxx graciously bought for us by xxxxxx from xxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxx. Here in the FI Garage, we’re all on the path to…

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064 – Should you take a year off?


063 – Are REITs right for your portfolio?

In this episode we discuss if you’re better off to invest in REIT’s for your real estate exposure. We drink some Alexander Keith’s IPA graciously bought for us by Daniel from Halifax. We continue the trend of real estate from…

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062- Are you ready to become a landlord?

In this episode we discuss if you’re ready to become a landlord and all that goes along with it. We drink some Mt Benson IPA from White Sails Brewing graciously bought for us by Sean from Nanaimo. We had some…

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061 – Should You Invest Inside a Corporation?

In this episode we discuss holding investments inside of a corporation. We drink some Earl Grey IPA from Saltspring Island Brewing graciously bought for us by Kari from Money in Your Tea, this episode sponsored by Tom Drake of Maple…


060- Money Mechanic shares his FIRE story

One of the new Fintech companies in Canada, Hardbacon, has been profiling Canadian FIRE bloggers. Instead of Money Mechanic answering all the interview questions in writing, we decided to make a show out of it. Heidi is a contract writer…

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059 – Can you afford your FIRE hobbies?

In this episode we discuss if your hobbies could actually end up causing you to spend more when you no longer need to work as much. We drink some Whistle Buoy special release NFT IPA graciously bought for us by…


058 – Tim Nash the Sustainable Economist

Is it possible to get good investment returns while also helping to protect the environment? We bring Tim Nash, from GoodInvesting.com, on the show to discuss all things ESG. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is becoming more popular for those…


057 – Do you have Loss Aversion?

How do you feel when the market and your portfolio takes a nose dive? How often are you checking you portfolio, networth and performance? Loss aversion is a real thing and many of us suffer from it. As a result,…