059 – Can you afford your FIRE hobbies?

In this episode we discuss if your hobbies could actually end up causing you to spend more when you no longer need to work as much. We drink some Whistle Buoy special release NFT IPA graciously bought for us by Mark Seed. As you have more free time will you be spending more pursuing your passions? Here in the FI Garage, we’re all on the path to FI, however, we consider the RE part optional. #FIRE

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Beers – [4:00] Kindly sent by Mark from myownadvisor.ca

Hobbies and Future Spending [6:00]

  • Using FIWOOT to pay for your hobbies [15:12]

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  1. More great content guys. Glad to hear you all back together in the FI Garage!
    Although it could be considered a form of work, there are some options to get your hobbies sponsored through volunteering opportunities. I did 3 years of Adaptive Ski coaching at our local ski hill helping kids with disabilities learn to ski; I had to commit a certain number of days of volunteering but that earned my 3 season passes. If I had no M-F job, 10 days of fun volunteering for a whole season of skiing is a pretty good trade-off!

  2. Hey Joel,
    That’s a great idea. Volunteering would be a good way of getting free passes to lots of things. Or I guess if you’re good enough you could actually earn some money teaching hobbies, like art, yoga, etc. Cheers

  3. Someone said boat hacking!!! I have 2 suggestions in that realm.
    1. Instead of owning your own boat, join a co-op if available in your area. For example, we joined the Vancouver Island sailing coop (visail.ca) in Nanaimo and had access to sailboats throughout the year without being responsible for the full costs. Consider how often your boat would be sitting unused if you are the sole owner! Share the time!!!
    2. We (my wife and I) are currently living on a 44ft sailing catamaran in French Polynesia, and we are the only ones aboard at the moment. If you learn some skills (how to sail), you may be able to find an opportunity to help a boat owner with something. There are websites to find these opportunities, like CrewBay and Findacrew. Owners often look for people to help them with passages, to move their boat, or sometimes to care for their boat in their absence.

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