045 – Tech Investing

In this episode, we discuss investing in tech stocks and the loft valuations that go along with them. We also discuss if we might be looking at a bubble and if we can really justify these insane P/E ratios. Here…

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044 – New Year, Time to Review Your Plan

In our first episode of the new year we discuss new years TFSA contribution room and how we review our plan each year. We also discuss some year and tax planning and what else to consider in your year end…


043 – Mash up, Chrissy joins the Garage.

The last episode of 2020 has Chrissy from Eat Sleep Breathe FI and Explore FI Canada joining us. As a joint episode we talk about our limiting beliefs around money, and share some positives from 2020. See you all in…

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Boscawen Inn

042 – Is that Really a Risk?

Brought to you by The Boscawen Inn in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia In our first sponsored episode the guys discuss risks we face on the path to FI. Sometimes we mis-label variance as risk, however, even with variance, there are associated…


041 – Is your ROI all that matters?

How much time do you spend analyzing investments? Do you even know how? There’s always more to learn, and we all need to recognize our own bias and blindside. We’re sharing how we do our due diligence and discuss what…


Overtime, last beer wins!

We kept the microphones rolling after our Salmon Pack episode [0:40] and this drabble is the result. The Mechanic updates us on his private lending, we read out some listener comments, and talk about real estate expenditures. Here in the FI…

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039 – Non-registered accounts, are you ready?

In this episode, the guys discuss what to do once your registered accounts are full. Paying tax isn’t always a bad thing – maybe you want to keep doing what you were doing before your registered accounts became full. On…


038 – You Can’t Buy Time

In this episode, the guys discuss how they manage time or their lack thereof. The choice of how you spend your time is arguably one of the most valuable benefits of FI. Can you improve how you use your time…


037 – Back in the FI Garage

As promised, and at great cost to our bodies, we present the Salmon Pack episode. In this episode, the guys reunite in the Mechanic’s garage and discuss many things, FI-related and not. Here in the FI Garage, we’re all on the…

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036 – Finances with your Spouse

We have had lots of listeners ask us about how we handle our finances with our spouses. So in this episode, the guys discuss how they manage their finances and keep money from getting in the way of their relationships….