So here we are, the start of a new year! Symbolically, we get a fresh start. We get to set some new goals and resolutions. I’m not really into all that jazz, but I do look forward to Jan 1st…
I recently read Larry Bates book “Beat the Bank: The Canadian Guide to Simply Successful Investing” and was very impressed by how well Larry lays out just how destructive fees can be to your investment returns. The book discusses the…
add commentI think like many of us I started on my path to financial independence before I had even discovered the FI movement. I was never a fan of having to be at a 9-5 each day, yet I liked working,…
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Basically we enjoy having a beer in the garage and chatting about personal finance and interesting topics throughout the blog-o-sphere. One day we decided to record ourselves, and the FIgarage Podcast was born!! It’s raw and un-edited PG content. We…